Saturday, September 1, 2007
My friends are the best!
I have finished my first week of school with the students. It has been fast and furious. I only had time for lunch one day and ate my slim fast bar the other days while working at my desk. Whew! I am a wee bit tired. However, I had a wonderful surprise on Friday. Let me back up here: Last Wednesday night I learned that "my coffee group girls" had gone out for coffee the first morning of school like we have done for the last three years. I am usually with them drinking coffee, laughing, talking.... you get the gist. When I found out they went and I hadn't known because I was at school, I kinda had a little pity party for myself. Well maybe it was a big pity party, but I love coffee and I love my coffee group and I love laughing and talking, so I was pretty blue. Then on Friday moring I heard this familar voice yelling down my hallway at school, "Where is Donna Ware's room?" As I looked up there stood four of my coffee buddies with a to-go cup of Cafe Mocha just for me! They drove all the way to Clyde to see me in my new school! I was so excited and so happy to see them. We got to visit, laugh, talk, drink coffee and even though it wasn't at Tuscany's or Starbucks, I felt right at home because they were there with me. It is really true, wherever your friends and family are-that is home. Thanks sweet precious friends. You made my day, my week and my year. I love you all and will miss our morning coffee times, but I am thinking it can be dessert and de-caf at my house soon!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The bracelet of complaints
In my last posting I mentioned that I needed a bracelet from Sarah to cut up into little pieces. I realize that all of you out there might not know what I am talking about. My friend Sarah has a principal who gave them little rubber bracelets to wear. It is to keep them from complaining. Uh, I don't think a bracelet will keep me from complaining, but hey, I am just repeating what she told me. Anyway, the way it is supposed to go is that every time you complain you have to move your bracelet to the other arm. It reminds you not to complain. post had a little complaining in it....all justified of course.....but I realized that I might just have to cut my bracelet up into many little pieces because I just don't have time to move my bracelet back and forth for the thousands of times I have complained over the last two days. I now repent......except for my daughter was supposed to move into her brand new apartment today. Let's just say it didn't happen because of no air conditioning, no working appliances, no furniture, red dirt everywhere, a lovely hole in her ceiling and white paint that needed patching, so of course they used pink to cover up their mistakes. It is just lovely, let me tell you. But as I have repented from complaining I will not say another word....until Monday after the first day of school. See you all then!
Friday, August 24, 2007
T I R E D!!!
Okay, I have been back to work now for 18 days. Yes 18 days. My contract calls for me to work 10 extra days, plus 3 days for "comp" time and then the regular 5 days of staff development and work days. Thus 18 days. Did I tell you that my cute toenails are now surrounded by puffy, swollen feet. Did I tell you that my eyes are feeling like red sandpaper (red for the color of my eyes), Did I tell you that my back hurts in a new spot and Megan is giving her Dad a back rub right now and I am sitting here with the "achy and I am feeling sorry for myself back"? Let me whine a little here--I want a back rub, can't anyone see that I need a back rub? My hubby took my massage appointment on Thursday because I had to go to Meet the Teacher night and now he is getting another back rub. Is life fair?? No my friends, it is not.
This was my schedule --let me back up to last Friday. Precious friends-yes they are precious because if anyone else had asked to come stay with me for the weekend before I went back to work I would have said "Are you nuts?". Anyway, friends came in and stayed with us through Monday dropping off their daughter at ACU. As they were literally leaving our garage, our second guest arrived, my daughter's roommate who needed a place to stay for the week. Okay, my smile is still pasted on. As she was settling into our guest room, the phone is ringing with my mother in law and guess what? Their house is being exterminated on Tuesday and can they come and stay the day and spend the night because they don't want to be gassed by the fumes. My smile is kind of fakey now.
So, I go to work Monday and get to go into a cafeteria of about 100 teachers of whom I know two and they are no where to be seen. Remember jr high days when you would rather not eat than sit by yourself. You feel like everyone is looking at you and no one, yes, no one wants you at their table. Yep! That's me. After asking several tables if I could sit with them, I finally found a high school teacher who had pity on me and let me sit there. I wanted to call her the Good Samaritan, but didn't know how she would take that and I really wasn't beat up or anything. My confidence was just dragging the ground.
After a wonderful day of sitting on cafeteria stools (little round ones that don't fit anyone's bottom unless you are two years old), I got to go to the staff BBQ. (This actually turned out to be nice, but I was missing my Bunko night and I didn't get TP'd) (I'll tell you about TP later) So now we are at Tuesday (remember in laws coming) so I scurry around picking up the biggest pieces of dirt and mess in the house and leave to go off to another fun filled staff development day sitting on cafeteria stools. Have I mentioned how I love those stools. After a few hours my bottom was lets say, not so happy with me. Numb is the word and I didn't look very graceful as I hobbled off after such a wonderful day.
After school I go home and we take the in laws out to a fancy restaurant called Rosa's. Cheap taco night--saw a good friend and that made it fun. We are up to Wednesday now--another staff development day but at least we were at our school on our own cafeteria stools. I think they were made by the same person who must have had a bad teacher somewhere in his/her life and who get sadistic joy of 100 teachers sitting on these stools.
Now we are up to Thursday, a work day where we get to work in our rooms. Have you ever seen those commercials where everything is at warp speed--that was the staff because that night we had "Meet the Teacher" night. Yep, after a fun filled week of listening to "staff development" where all we developed was a numb rear and red eyes and swollen feet, we got to meet our students. All in all it has been a great week. Just thought you should know. And Sarah, I need a bracelet to cut up in a million pieces.
This was my schedule --let me back up to last Friday. Precious friends-yes they are precious because if anyone else had asked to come stay with me for the weekend before I went back to work I would have said "Are you nuts?". Anyway, friends came in and stayed with us through Monday dropping off their daughter at ACU. As they were literally leaving our garage, our second guest arrived, my daughter's roommate who needed a place to stay for the week. Okay, my smile is still pasted on. As she was settling into our guest room, the phone is ringing with my mother in law and guess what? Their house is being exterminated on Tuesday and can they come and stay the day and spend the night because they don't want to be gassed by the fumes. My smile is kind of fakey now.
So, I go to work Monday and get to go into a cafeteria of about 100 teachers of whom I know two and they are no where to be seen. Remember jr high days when you would rather not eat than sit by yourself. You feel like everyone is looking at you and no one, yes, no one wants you at their table. Yep! That's me. After asking several tables if I could sit with them, I finally found a high school teacher who had pity on me and let me sit there. I wanted to call her the Good Samaritan, but didn't know how she would take that and I really wasn't beat up or anything. My confidence was just dragging the ground.
After a wonderful day of sitting on cafeteria stools (little round ones that don't fit anyone's bottom unless you are two years old), I got to go to the staff BBQ. (This actually turned out to be nice, but I was missing my Bunko night and I didn't get TP'd) (I'll tell you about TP later) So now we are at Tuesday (remember in laws coming) so I scurry around picking up the biggest pieces of dirt and mess in the house and leave to go off to another fun filled staff development day sitting on cafeteria stools. Have I mentioned how I love those stools. After a few hours my bottom was lets say, not so happy with me. Numb is the word and I didn't look very graceful as I hobbled off after such a wonderful day.
After school I go home and we take the in laws out to a fancy restaurant called Rosa's. Cheap taco night--saw a good friend and that made it fun. We are up to Wednesday now--another staff development day but at least we were at our school on our own cafeteria stools. I think they were made by the same person who must have had a bad teacher somewhere in his/her life and who get sadistic joy of 100 teachers sitting on these stools.
Now we are up to Thursday, a work day where we get to work in our rooms. Have you ever seen those commercials where everything is at warp speed--that was the staff because that night we had "Meet the Teacher" night. Yep, after a fun filled week of listening to "staff development" where all we developed was a numb rear and red eyes and swollen feet, we got to meet our students. All in all it has been a great week. Just thought you should know. And Sarah, I need a bracelet to cut up in a million pieces.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
While Dad's Away......
My husband Phil is away on his annual Alaskan Fishing trip with his good buddies Bill Wilson and Dan Garrett. It is a good time for him to be "a real man." They fish, tell jokes, do not shave, and lots of other things that I probably am glad I don't know about. While Phil (or Dad as Megan calls him) is away, Meggie and I are having some girl time. We love to watch HGTV and the food Network without having to jump to see how Nascar or the PGA is doing. We have eaten out just about every night. Chili's, Olive Garden, Cotton Patch and who knows where we will end up tonight. We have laid on our beds and visited and giggled and dreamed about Meg's future. We enjoy hanging out together (especially if I am paying) It is great to have a daughter that you enjoy being with and who gives great shoulder rubs! So we will enjoy our last few days of "girlness." We need to buy some shoes and purses--think we will head to the mall. Now where is my charge card???...
Friday, July 13, 2007
It has been a while since I have posted. Lots going on in the Warehouse these days. One thing you need to know about me is that I sweat. Yes, not perspire, but sweat. By the buckets. It is not very feminine and I only share this with you because after last night I am sure most of Abilene knows that I sweat. We have had unusually humid weather here in Abilene. My body does not like humidity. It pretty much goes into melt mode with the slightest humidity factor. I remember as a child being sweaty and my mother tellling me not to sweat so much. Hmmmm...I have tried. I put on face powder which helps my face look dry for about...30 seconds before the sweat seeps through. I do use a good deoderant-Dry Idea. The name indicates that I should stay dry. Not always so. What's a sweaty girl to do!
On to my most embarrassing event since I have been in Abilene. (believe me, I have had more than one) We are doing a garage sale for one of my good friends whose son has a brain tumor. We are raising funds for their travel expenses etc. So, like the good friend I am, I went up last night to help price and sort. (I am not good at pricing and sorting-- I just like to put 25 cent stickers on everything--I've always liked a good buy) Anyway, I was wearing brown capris and an orange t-shirt. Seemed like a safe choice for a sweat prone girl. I worked my little heart out in the non-air conditioned gym for 2 hours. I saw just about everyone from church and they saw me. It's a good thing for a preacher's wife to be seen doing good. I noticed people looking at me and smiling, and of course, I assumed they were thinking-wow, what a hard worker. Nope! They were smiling because as I discovered when I got home, my pants were soaked from the waistband in the back to the waistband in the front. Yep, it looked like I had a big accident on the way to the bathroom. You would think that sweat would not show through on brown capris, well let me tell you, it does--big time. What made it worse, was my shirt didn't really look that sweaty, unless you looked at the pit rings. So I am sure everyone thought I had wet my pants and just didn't notice that I was dripping with pee-pee. So.....I am humbled once again. I will never wear those brown capris again on a humid day and if any of you are sweat prone like me, you better not either.
On to my most embarrassing event since I have been in Abilene. (believe me, I have had more than one) We are doing a garage sale for one of my good friends whose son has a brain tumor. We are raising funds for their travel expenses etc. So, like the good friend I am, I went up last night to help price and sort. (I am not good at pricing and sorting-- I just like to put 25 cent stickers on everything--I've always liked a good buy) Anyway, I was wearing brown capris and an orange t-shirt. Seemed like a safe choice for a sweat prone girl. I worked my little heart out in the non-air conditioned gym for 2 hours. I saw just about everyone from church and they saw me. It's a good thing for a preacher's wife to be seen doing good. I noticed people looking at me and smiling, and of course, I assumed they were thinking-wow, what a hard worker. Nope! They were smiling because as I discovered when I got home, my pants were soaked from the waistband in the back to the waistband in the front. Yep, it looked like I had a big accident on the way to the bathroom. You would think that sweat would not show through on brown capris, well let me tell you, it does--big time. What made it worse, was my shirt didn't really look that sweaty, unless you looked at the pit rings. So I am sure everyone thought I had wet my pants and just didn't notice that I was dripping with pee-pee. So.....I am humbled once again. I will never wear those brown capris again on a humid day and if any of you are sweat prone like me, you better not either.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
To the Work, To the Work
I am sure the title says it all, but I am now officially hired at Clyde ISD. Wow, it took me two tries to spell Clyde--even spelling the word has me frazzled! I signed my contract yesterday and I will start back in August. I have been off for three years now. Three years of blissfully sleeping in, doing grocery shopping at prime times, leisurely having coffee with my BF's (best friends) and staying up late to watch Leno. No more. Back to rising at 6:00, throwing on something that is hopefully ironed or at least not wadded up in the bottom of the closet, rushing back home to grocery shop or do a load of laundry and then falling into bed by 9:00.
On the bright side of things, the people that I met at a recent workday were so nice and friendly and laid back. One of my best friends is the principal and I will be teaching reading (which I love). I also will be adding to my retirement--which now that I am 52 seems like a good thing to do. I don't want to be eating cat food or working as a greeter at Walmart when I am 80.
So, part of me is excited to go back and part of me is sad. I guess that is somewhat normal. I'll let you know how things are going in late August when I am driving home from school sticking to the seat of my car from the heat after a parent yelled at me and I made two children cry.
On the bright side of things, the people that I met at a recent workday were so nice and friendly and laid back. One of my best friends is the principal and I will be teaching reading (which I love). I also will be adding to my retirement--which now that I am 52 seems like a good thing to do. I don't want to be eating cat food or working as a greeter at Walmart when I am 80.
So, part of me is excited to go back and part of me is sad. I guess that is somewhat normal. I'll let you know how things are going in late August when I am driving home from school sticking to the seat of my car from the heat after a parent yelled at me and I made two children cry.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Hubby does good!
I just have to brag that my husband got me the most beautiful ring for my birthday/anniversary present this year. It has emeralds and diamonds set in a white gold band with gold accents. I just love it! I am so blessed--and yes, I will wave it in your face the next time I see you--so be prepared.
We have been married 30 years as of June 11th. The time sure has flown. I remember when he had John Denver hair down to his collar and my hair was long and brown. We both were skinnier in those days. I think we both weighed 135. I won't tell you what we weigh now because that would just be too, too sad. (how did I get on a weight subject anyway?)
We are going on a cruise to celebrate in October. We are going up the Eastern seaboard and hope to see lots of beautiful trees and scenery. It has been a great 30 years. I am praying for 30 more! (especially if he keeps getting me rings!)
We have been married 30 years as of June 11th. The time sure has flown. I remember when he had John Denver hair down to his collar and my hair was long and brown. We both were skinnier in those days. I think we both weighed 135. I won't tell you what we weigh now because that would just be too, too sad. (how did I get on a weight subject anyway?)
We are going on a cruise to celebrate in October. We are going up the Eastern seaboard and hope to see lots of beautiful trees and scenery. It has been a great 30 years. I am praying for 30 more! (especially if he keeps getting me rings!)
Lost Marathon
Let me just start by saying that my family loves the show "Lost." We are late bloomers. We didn't start watching until this season. My mother in law loved the show the first season so my daughter got her the complete First Season when it came out. After watching most of the shows this season (we miss some because church goes tooooo long sometimes on Wednesday nights for us to get home and see the whole thing) (I know, I know, where are my priorities!) Anyway, we borrowed the First season and have been watching it in marathon style for the last week or so. We are down to one DVD in season one and we are watching it tonight while eating our steak etc. (If you remember from earlier posts we usually eat steak while watching starving survivors on "Survivor."--that show has now been replaced in our hearts by "Lost." I have purchased Season 2 because we just can't wait to see all that happens! It is kind of hard since we are watching it so out of order--like I know Charlie is going to die, and what happened to the narcisstic blond who likes Sayhid. I figure she gets killed off along with her brother. What is the monster thing? What do those numbers mean that Hurley used to win the lottery. I have so many questions! Don't tell me if you read this. I want to find out as we happily watch Season 2 next week. It takes so little to make me happy!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
University Kids
Phil and I hosted a University devotional Sunday night in our home. I fretted over what to serve and finally decided on Taco Stack because they could put it together with whatever they wanted. Megan, my daughter, made the brownies because she makes the best brownies ever eaten.
Anyway, as I was sitting there singing with these "kids", I was transported back to my University days. Going to ACU was huge for me. My family drove across town to go to a "big church"--I think we averaged about 200 which was big for Dayton, Ohio. When I came to ACU I was overwhelmed by the singing and the committment of the students there. I remember attending a church in Abilene of over 1000 people and thinking that heaven must be like this. Lynn Anderson would preach and his talks always included his struggles and how he was not perfect. This was a comfort to me and helped me know that I wasn't the only one struggling if he, the preacher, struggled too. It was the first time I was ever taught about grace. I had never heard of grace. I had only heard of hell, and rules, and sin. I always felt it was impossible to be a "good Christian" because I could never keep up with all the rules. I actually remember thinking that I wish I hadn't known about Jesus because it was just too hard and I was never going to make it. So I lived my life in fear of death and the Lord coming back because I felt I was going to hell.
At ACU, for the first time I was taught about God's grace. I was taught that no one is perfect by themselves, only through Jesus are we made perfect. That perfection in Jesus is possible! I began to realize that God forgives and also forgets. I began to realize the enormity of God's gift to me. I still stand in wonder and awe that my God who created the universe would not only be mindful of me, but that he loves me and forgives me and sees me perfect. I am thankful for the grace filled people and churches that have guided my path and also for a husband who has taught me about this great gift we have received. So now I can rejoice! I have been made perfect through Jesus. Praise His glorious name!
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgreesions from us" Psalm 103:11-12
Anyway, as I was sitting there singing with these "kids", I was transported back to my University days. Going to ACU was huge for me. My family drove across town to go to a "big church"--I think we averaged about 200 which was big for Dayton, Ohio. When I came to ACU I was overwhelmed by the singing and the committment of the students there. I remember attending a church in Abilene of over 1000 people and thinking that heaven must be like this. Lynn Anderson would preach and his talks always included his struggles and how he was not perfect. This was a comfort to me and helped me know that I wasn't the only one struggling if he, the preacher, struggled too. It was the first time I was ever taught about grace. I had never heard of grace. I had only heard of hell, and rules, and sin. I always felt it was impossible to be a "good Christian" because I could never keep up with all the rules. I actually remember thinking that I wish I hadn't known about Jesus because it was just too hard and I was never going to make it. So I lived my life in fear of death and the Lord coming back because I felt I was going to hell.
At ACU, for the first time I was taught about God's grace. I was taught that no one is perfect by themselves, only through Jesus are we made perfect. That perfection in Jesus is possible! I began to realize that God forgives and also forgets. I began to realize the enormity of God's gift to me. I still stand in wonder and awe that my God who created the universe would not only be mindful of me, but that he loves me and forgives me and sees me perfect. I am thankful for the grace filled people and churches that have guided my path and also for a husband who has taught me about this great gift we have received. So now I can rejoice! I have been made perfect through Jesus. Praise His glorious name!
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgreesions from us" Psalm 103:11-12
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My mom
Well, I am a little late on this since Mother's Day was last Sunday, but better late than never!
I learned lots of things from my mom. My mom taught me to love the elderly. I remember visiting older people with her when I was young. She would visit them, or take them to church, or take them food etc. She taught me that older people are of value and often forgotten. She taught me by example to love and take care of our elderly.
My mom also took people to church that needed rides off and on through the years. She would pick up a woman and her two girls every Sunday night to go to church. This ladies husband did not go to church and this lady either didn't know how to drive or didn't like to. Mom picked her up every week. My sister and I were always squished in the backseat with her two girls, but you didn't have to wear seatbelts in those days-so it worked out. In my high school years mom picked up one of my friends from school who wanted to go to church. This girl was a little different but mom never complalined about her or the inconvenience of picking her up. She also picked up a lady named "Dixie" who was a nail tech and lived out of the way, but wanted to attend. Dixie was a true blond-a little ditsy! Mom asked her advice on how to get me to stop biting my nails and she said "just don't bite them" Well duh!! not exactly what we were looking for. Anyway, I learned that when people are searching for God, you go out of your way to help them.
My mom carted me to every youth event my church held. This was a 30 minute drive each way. She never complained--she wanted me there and felt it was important for me to be there. I learned it is important to fellowship with other believers.
My dad wasn't a Christian until I was in high school. My mom never gave up. She continued to go to church and take me and my little sister every time the doors were open. My dad now is very faithful and I feel if it wasn't for my mom, he wouldn't be a Christian . I learned that church is important and you don't give up on people who haven't found God yet.
My mom is very clean. I mean very very clean! I learned that being clean and looking your best is important. I don't always get this one right. My home is not as neat and tidy as I would like and sometimes I am wrinkled because I HATE to iron, but I am working on this one.
So, I have a great mom. She moved to my town recently and it has been fun getting to know her again. We haven't lived in the same town since I was 18. We enjoy each other now alot more than we did then. You know I was going through the "independent stage" back then. Now I know how blessed I am to have a mom like mine. One who taught me so much about loving and serving others.
Thanks Mom for everything!
I learned lots of things from my mom. My mom taught me to love the elderly. I remember visiting older people with her when I was young. She would visit them, or take them to church, or take them food etc. She taught me that older people are of value and often forgotten. She taught me by example to love and take care of our elderly.
My mom also took people to church that needed rides off and on through the years. She would pick up a woman and her two girls every Sunday night to go to church. This ladies husband did not go to church and this lady either didn't know how to drive or didn't like to. Mom picked her up every week. My sister and I were always squished in the backseat with her two girls, but you didn't have to wear seatbelts in those days-so it worked out. In my high school years mom picked up one of my friends from school who wanted to go to church. This girl was a little different but mom never complalined about her or the inconvenience of picking her up. She also picked up a lady named "Dixie" who was a nail tech and lived out of the way, but wanted to attend. Dixie was a true blond-a little ditsy! Mom asked her advice on how to get me to stop biting my nails and she said "just don't bite them" Well duh!! not exactly what we were looking for. Anyway, I learned that when people are searching for God, you go out of your way to help them.
My mom carted me to every youth event my church held. This was a 30 minute drive each way. She never complained--she wanted me there and felt it was important for me to be there. I learned it is important to fellowship with other believers.
My dad wasn't a Christian until I was in high school. My mom never gave up. She continued to go to church and take me and my little sister every time the doors were open. My dad now is very faithful and I feel if it wasn't for my mom, he wouldn't be a Christian . I learned that church is important and you don't give up on people who haven't found God yet.
My mom is very clean. I mean very very clean! I learned that being clean and looking your best is important. I don't always get this one right. My home is not as neat and tidy as I would like and sometimes I am wrinkled because I HATE to iron, but I am working on this one.
So, I have a great mom. She moved to my town recently and it has been fun getting to know her again. We haven't lived in the same town since I was 18. We enjoy each other now alot more than we did then. You know I was going through the "independent stage" back then. Now I know how blessed I am to have a mom like mine. One who taught me so much about loving and serving others.
Thanks Mom for everything!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Christian versus Churchgoer
I thought this video was great! I wanted to share it with you all. It has been shown at our church which is trying to be the "front porch for our community." I hope someday we will all be Christians and not churchgoers! Enjoy!
Monday, April 30, 2007
We had an incredible day yesterday at church. Our congregation has a WATS day once a year. WATS stands for We Are The Sermon. 1000 people who love Jesus went out into the neighborhoods and helped paint houses, mow yards, haul trash, build wheelchair ramps--anything that needed to be done for people who needed help in our town. We start in the morning with a shorter worship service all wearing our workclothes (which is so fun) and then we go out into the town in groups to work. After the work is done, we come back for a worship celebration time. It was a wonderful day! One of the men in our group of workers was kidding around and said "I think it is just easier sitting on the pew listening to the sermon." Yes, it's true it is easier, but we were so blessed to help these people who needed to know that someone loved them and cared enough to help. Jesus calls us not to a life of ease, but to one of service. I hope we grow WATS day so that all the people in our town who need help are taken care of with the love of Jesus.
Friday, April 13, 2007
My husband
I have been married for almost 30 years. It is hard for me to believe that so much time has passed since I said "I do" to the most incredible man on earth. My husband has been a minister for all those years. When I was unsure about being a "preacher's wife", he encouraged me and told me to be myself. There were no expectations on his part for a perfect minister's wife (thank goodness!) He has been with me during illness, our children's births, birthdays, vacations, and everyday life. He has been my rock and sustainer all these years. The one I could count on for everything. He works hard and is passionate about loving people and introducing them to our Lord. Even in the midst of a church service, when he reaches and takes my hand, I still get those overwhelming feelings of love and safety with him. He knows everything about me and still loves me. How can that be? I am so thankful to have him in my life and I pray everyday for our daughter to find a man just like him. One who is strong, but has emotions; a man who will lead, but still listens; a man who is gentle; a man who feels passion for his Lord and shares it; a man she can respect and admire. My husband is all these things and more--he is really cute too! After 30 years I would marry him all over again. Thank you Phil for being my love all these years!
Old Friends New Friends
I have really been blessed in my life to have some great friends. You know friends come in many different varieties. These are some of the types of friends I have. Tammy, (she is mentioned in another blog entry) is very organized, her house is always immaculate, yet she has been known to stay in her P.J.'s all day--gotta love that! Martha is very creative, awesome with children, a little messy and will go and do something fun at the drop of a hat--gotta love that! Judy is always looking for fun, does good deeds that no one knows about, and has been known to drive 2 hours to get a good seafood meal--gotta love that! Denise is always laughing, she sews everything and has been known to have needle and thread in her hand during ladies classes etc. She loves to sing and knows every song written from the 70's on and will sing them for you--gotta love that! Sarah writes --she is a writer and lover of words, very talented and very passionate--gotta love that! Tammy loves God more than anything, she lifts me up to higher places and grows me spiritually--gotta love that! Marsha is a hostess, she has people drop in on her all the time for counsel, meals etc--gotta love that! Traci always has time for anyone, she is a school administrator who is actually fun and attends every shower and event at church with a smile on her face--gotta love that! Jana is so artistic, she designs cards, decorates beautifully and always has an encouraging word for you--gotta love that! These are just a few of my special friends. As you can see I have been blessed to know and call these ladies friends. I love you all!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I love Spring. The coolness in the morning air, the green buds on the trees, flowers beginning to bloom--it is just a wonderful season. The first year we lived in Abilene, I bought a hanging pot of flowers to hang on our back porch. Within a few weeks a family of birds had moved into the pot and built and nest. We would have to pull the pot down every day or so to water carefully around the nest. In a few weeks there were baby birds chirping in the nest and we would enjoy watching the mother bird feed her babies. Before we knew it the baby birds were gone-off on their own. The next year, I bought another plant to hang on the porch. Within a few weeks there was another nest! So we went through the whole process again. This year I went out and bought my new hanging plant at Walmart and Phil hung it outside. I promise you, within 5 minutes of hanging that plant, a bird was flying into it with twigs to make a nest. It is soo cool! I wonder if they are the same birds or if the offspring of the original birds came back or what. We are now on our third generation of baby birds. It reminds me of one of my favorite Andy Griffith episodes (I have all the seasons on DVD-my favorite show of all time) The one where Opie has accidently killed the mama bird so he takes care of the baby birds. Then he has to let them go--He tells Andy- Gee, the cage looks awful empty-and Andy tells him, "Yes, but don't the trees look nice and full." That's how we feel when our little baby birds are gone. The plant seems very empty, but our little straggling, Abilene trees look nice and full.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007




Monday, March 26, 2007
My Friend Tammy
Phil and I moved to Abilene Texas after living in Austin for 22 years three years ago. Austin is a wonderful town and we love so many people there. My best friend from Austin came in this Sunday to Abilene and brought her daughter to visit ACU (Abilene Christian University). Her daughter interviewed for a scholarship. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Anyway, Tammy has been my friend for soooo many years. We have laughed, cried, whined, giggled, complained, taught school and ate many a Mexican food meal at Chuy's together. (I will tell you about Chuy's in a later blog!) Tammy is one of those people you can be completely yourself with. She is laid back, fun, and has no expectations for you to entertain. She is just happy to be. I love that! She has this wonderful contagious laugh and is a person who really listens to you. So, Tammy thank you for being my friend through the years. I have learned so much from you. Life is so much easier when you have a Tammy in it. I hope all of you do!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Dad and me
Wow! I am so excited. Three people actually came to my blog. Of course, they are my best friends, so they really have to, but still three people!
Phil and I lived away from my parents most of our married life. They lived far away-Florida and us in Texas. You know when you are growing up you really don't know your parents. They are just your parents, not real people. When my parents moved to Abilene two years ago I wasn't sure how it would be. I mean-would they still tell me how to dress, who my friends could be, etc? However, I have found it to be a real blessing. They have made a new home for themselves, their own friends, and they let me wear whatever I want!
My dad and I have been doing Meals on Wheels together for about a month now. It has been such fun to be with my dad-grown-up to grown-up. We visit, take turns taking the meals to the door, discuss politics (although he and I are pretty much opposite ends of that subject so I steer away from it as much as possible) and then after our rounds we go get Ice-cream at Coldstone. This is our new tradition. (I know it is not on my diet, but that is all I eat that day for lunch--man, guilt can even get to you on a blog!) Anyway, we take turns paying and sit at the same little table and continue our conversation. It has been such a blessing to know my Dad this way. He loves taking the meals and has concern for the people we visit. Who knew you could be friends with your parents? Way cool!
Phil and I lived away from my parents most of our married life. They lived far away-Florida and us in Texas. You know when you are growing up you really don't know your parents. They are just your parents, not real people. When my parents moved to Abilene two years ago I wasn't sure how it would be. I mean-would they still tell me how to dress, who my friends could be, etc? However, I have found it to be a real blessing. They have made a new home for themselves, their own friends, and they let me wear whatever I want!
My dad and I have been doing Meals on Wheels together for about a month now. It has been such fun to be with my dad-grown-up to grown-up. We visit, take turns taking the meals to the door, discuss politics (although he and I are pretty much opposite ends of that subject so I steer away from it as much as possible) and then after our rounds we go get Ice-cream at Coldstone. This is our new tradition. (I know it is not on my diet, but that is all I eat that day for lunch--man, guilt can even get to you on a blog!) Anyway, we take turns paying and sit at the same little table and continue our conversation. It has been such a blessing to know my Dad this way. He loves taking the meals and has concern for the people we visit. Who knew you could be friends with your parents? Way cool!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Okay, my friends have been after me to start a blog, so here it is. The day at the Warehouse has been busy doing laundry, Heartlight, and even a few errands. We are also having our weekly steak night tonight. Thursday is usually our steak and Survivor night. Phil and I watch Survivor and the starving Survivor participants and we gorge on steak and baked potato. Seems like the Christian thing to do. There is something very satisfying about it. I don't know what that says about me, but I guess you should know from the outtake what kind of girl I am. I do understand tonight may be March Madness which "madness" is how I feel for missing Survivor and having to watch basketball, but at least I'll have my steak. Tomorrow back to Lean Cuisines and cereal. Yum!
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